
Anytime you want to run Linux graphical programs (such as the emulator) from Windows or Mac, you need an X Window Server running on your local machine.

WSL on Windows Install

  • Install an X Windows server. There are many, but I suggest you download and install VcXsrv Windows X Server.

  • Check your WSL version to see if you have version 1 or 2 installed.
  • Edit your .bashrc file and add the follwing line (depending on your WSL version)
    • WSL Version 1

      export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

    • WSL Version 2

      export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2}'):0

  • Restart your terminal.
  • To run the X server, find XLaunch in your start menu and run it. (Press Windows key and type XLaunch).
    • Click Next on the options windows, leaving the default options alone.
  • You can test that your X server is working by running xeyes. If the X server is running correctly, this will create a pop-up window with a set of animated eyes that follow your mouse cursor. (You may need to install xeyes using the command sudo apt install x11-apps).
  • When running, the XServer will display in your Windows system tray. If you restart your computer, or close the XServer, you will need to run XLaunch again.


If the above instructions still aren’t working, it’s possible that Windows Firewall is blocking the X-server. To fix this, run the Windows Incoming Connections troubleshooter.

  • Open Windows Settings (Win + I)
  • Click Update & Security
  • Click Troubleshoot in the left-hand pane.
  • Click the Additional Troubleshooters link.
  • Click the Incoming Connections troubleshooter (If you have trouble finding this there are some pictures to help here [[https://www.howto-connect.com/troubleshoot-incoming-connection-windows-10/]]).
  • When the troubleshooter runs, it will hopefully provide you with an option titled Allow other computers to connect to VcXsrv windows xserver”. Select that and click Next. You will then need to click *Try these repairs as an administrator’’, and then *Apply this fix. Then Close.

macOS Install

  1. Go to XQuartz and download XQuartz. XQuartx is the X-server for Macs. Do the standard stuff for installation.

  2. Logout and then log back in. This step is important because your environment will not be setup properly otherwise.