You will need a computer running Linux in order to compile the programs we will work on in the lab assignments. You have a few options available. Read the options below, with their requirements, before choosing to set up one of the options:
Option 1: Work in the Lab
Linux Computers with the required software are set up and available in the Digital Lab (EB423). You can log into these machines using your CAEDM login.
We recommend you work in the lab as everything is set up for you and ready to go. It’s also easier for you to get help from the Instructors and TAs if you are in the lab.
Option 2: Work Remotely
You may choose to work on the labs remotely. This can be done by either purchasing a development board from the shop to use at home, or, you can run a graphical emulator we have designed, that should allow you to complete the labs without a physical board. Note: If your computer is slow, the emulator may be somewhat laggy, and you may want to do a final test of your lab on the physical board before submitting it.
If you want to work remotely, there are a couple options:
- Run Linux on your computer, and install the software yourself. If you have Linux (Ubuntu 18 or 20) running on your personal computer (either through natively installing it, running WSL in Windows, or by running from a USB drive), then it’s pretty easy to set up the tools yourself. Instructions for Linux Setup
- Use a Virtual Machine. We have created a Linux virtual machine image that you can download and run using VMWare software on your computer. This can work on Windows, Mac or Linux (If you have Windows or Linux, you will install VMware Workstation, if you have a Mac, install VMware Fusion), and we recommend you have 4+ CPU cores and 8GB+ RAM. You will need to download a 3.6GB file, and you will need about 15GB of free disk space. Instructions for Virtual Machine setup.