ECEn 427 Coding Standard

(We use the same coding standard as ECEN 330)

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ECEN 330 Coding Standard

Grading Source Code

The TAs will apply the following method when evaluating your source code. The goal is to get you in the habit of writing, readable, reusable, high-quality code. As such the TAs will be quite strict when grading your code.

  • In general, the coding standard counts toward 20% of your lab grade (some labs don’t apply).
  • Each lab has a set number of maximum points that represents how many infractions can be made before you earn 0% on the coding standard portion.
  • You will lose a point for each infraction, not just each type of infraction; however, the maximum number of points you can lose for each type of infraction is 3. For example, if your code has 8 magic numbers, you will lose 5 points.
  • For example, in Lab 2, if you lose 5 points, you will receive a coding standard score of 5/10, and thus 15%/30% on the coding standard portion of the lab.
Lab Points Notes on Lab
Lab2 10 20% of lab grade
Lab3 30 20% of lab grade
Lab4 15 20% of lab grade
Lab6 10 20% of lab grade

Lab 3 Notes

For lab 3 you have the choice of using the traditional coding standard grader, or an automatic linting tool (clang-tidy).

Traditional Coding Standard

  • You are not responsible for any violation of the coding standard in the provided .h or .cpp files.


If you alternatively use the clang-tidy linter, you can be sure to get 100\% on the coding standard grade; however, you may find it very challenging to address the linting issues, as you may need to learn new things about C++ you weren’t previously aware of.

The run clang-tidy:

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of the userspace CMakeLists.txt file. It should have these lines in it:
     if (TIDY)
       find_program(CLANG_TIDY_EXE NAMES "clang-tidy" REQUIRED)
       set(CLANG_TIDY_COMMAND "${CLANG_TIDY_EXE}" "-checks=modernize-*,bugprone-*,clang-analyzer-*,cppcoreguidelines-*,google-*,misc-*,portability-*,-google-readability-braces-around-statements")
  2. Add the following to your CMakeLists.txt for your space invaders target executable:
      if (TIDY)
     set_target_properties(space_invaders PROPERTIES CXX_CLANG_TIDY "${CLANG_TIDY_COMMAND}")
  3. When you run cmake, specify the TIDY option:
      cd userspace/build
      cmake .. -DTIDY=1
  4. Compile as usual, and note that a warning will be printed for each clang-tidy linter error.

Similar to the traditional coding standard checker, you will be deducted one point for each linting warning. Also like the traditional coding standard, you will lose a point for each infraction, not just each type of infraction; however, the maximum number of points you can lose for each type of infraction is 3.