Unit Testing

Lecture Videos

On May 13th, 2022 Prof Goeders gave a lecture/tutorial on using Github CI and Unit Testing with GoogleTest and Pytest. The first video embedded below is the most recent video explaining these tools.

On May 17, 2021 we had a Pytest Tutorial by Prof Goeders and a GoogleTest tutorial by Prof Mangelson. The videos are embedded below

Unit Testing Tutorial 2022

Pytest-for Python


0:00 Introduction to Pytest
5:29 Testing Python exceptions
8:30 Testing Python classes
11:50 fixtures
14:21 Parameterized test functions
16:19 doctest

Here is the link to the tutorial used in the video:

GoogleTest-for C/C++

There are many different methods that can be used to perform unittesting in C++ and C.

Some of the most frequently used frameworks include:

Each library/framework supports different functionality and comes with its own trade offs.

In this module, we will use Google Test to provide a short example.


0:00 Introduction to GoogleTest
2:50 Macros
6:19 Implementing with CMake
9:24 Running tests and generating output
13:39 Test fixtures
15:30 Death tests
19:37 Mocking


  • What should this contain?