Creating Your Own Website


Follow the instructions to install Jekyll on Ubuntu:

Create Your Repo

  1. Go to
  2. Click Use this template
  3. Name your repository appropriately:
    • Each Github user can have a website at If you want to use this URL, you should name your repo For example, if your Github username was jgoeders, you would name your new repository
    • Otherwise, you can name your repository anything else, and it will be available at For example, if your Github username was jgoeders and you named the repository test_website, the website would be hosted at
  4. Choose Public or Private. Either is fine. You can have your repository files be private and still host a public website. If you use the later option, you will need to use your student privileges to sign in to github. The server will not allow you to host a private website from github on a free account.
  5. Click Create repository from template

Activate Github Pages

  1. Go to your repository URL.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Select the Pages page.
  4. Choose to host your main branch (This may already be activated):

Clone Your Repository

Make a copy of your website on your own computer using git clone (we will talk more about Git soon):

For example, if I wanted to clone my website to the website directory in my home folder, I would do the following:

git clone ~/website

You can find the link for cloning your repo by going to your github page and clicking the Code button in the top left. Then select the SSH option and copy the link. Note that you will need to configure your machine with an SSH key to use this method (Google how to do this). Configuring your machine with a key will allow you to push and pull from your repo without signing in to your github account from the terminal every time.

Not recommended: If you would like to just sign in to your repository each time you pull or push from your repo, then you can skip creating the SSH key and use the HTTPS option to clone your repo:

git clone

Configure your website

Open the _config.yml file, and look for the baseurl and url entries. You will need to update both of these to the correct values:

For example, if I choose the first URL option above, I would set them to:

baseurl: ""
url: ""

If I chose the second URL option, I would set them to:

baseurl: "/test_website/"
url: ""

Try Out Your Website

Jekyll allows you to host your website locally and try out any changes before you publish them.

First you need to install the necessary packages for your website. This only needs to be done once:

cd ~/website
bundle update

If you are having trouble with the bundle update command, you can try disabling ipv6. Run the following commands, and then run bundle update repeatedly until it successfully downloads all the packages:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=1

Then, to host your website simply run the following:

bundle exec jekyll serve

For the lazy, a Makefile is also provided that will run this when you type make serve.

When you run this, you should see output like this:

Configuration file: /home/jgoeders/website/_config.yml
            Source: /home/jgoeders/website
       Destination: /home/jgoeders/website/_site
 Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
                    done in 0.432 seconds.
 Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/home/jgoeders/website'
    Server address:
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

The line to pay attention to is the Server address: If you visit this URL in your browser you can preview your page.

Leave this running for now and we will make some changes in the next section.

Make an Edit

  1. In your browser, navigate to the IMMERSE Log page.
  2. Now open your _pages/ file, update an entry and save the file.
  3. Refresh your web browser and you should immediately see the change.

Publishing Your Changes

Any changes you push up to Github will automatically be published after a short delay (usually not more than a few minutes). We will talk about Git and Github soon.