Lab Setup

Git Configuration

Every time you use a new machine for the first time, you will need to need to let the git program know who is making changes to any repository that you have cloned to your computer. To set the default email address and name associated run the following commands:

git config --global "Your name here"
git config --global

Your email address should be the same one you used to sign up for GitHub.

GitHub Class Assignments

Every lab will have a corresponding GitHub repository, or code base. This will normally be a collection of files that you will need to complete the lab, including a outline or prompt that you will need to fill in. To access the GitHub Classroom link for a lab click on the corresponding lab assignment on Learning Suite.

Once you have accepted the assignment, a copy of the lab repository will be added to the GitHub user account you are using for this class. To clone these files, or download them to your computer (or for this lab, to the Pi Z2W), you will need to need the repository link. This is different than the URL of your repository.

To obtain this link click on the green <> Code button and make sure the SSH tab is selected.


Copy the repository link in the textbox below and then on the machine where you wish to clone the repository type in

git clone your_github_repository

Committing and Pushing Files

Once you have finished editing all the files you need to on cloned repository, you will need to commit and push the files to synchronize them with the repository online. This will be necessary for me to view your files so I can give you a grade.

First you will need be in the folder with your git repository. If you are not in your repository folder you can run

cd your_github_repository_folder

Then you can add all the files to the list of files that you wish to sync. This can be done with

git add your.txt edited.txt files.txt

If you wish to add all the files to the sync list in your cloned repository, you can simply run

git add -A

Next you will need to group the files ready to sync into one package called a commit. This will is done by

git commit -m"Add a message here"

Finally, to push these changes to the repository online

git push origin main