Vivado Schematic Synthesis Tutorial

The Vivado synthesis tool can be run in GUI mode to view the schematic of your design. This is often useful to check the connectivity and high-level structure of your design. You can view the schematic in ‘pre-synthesis’ mode (i.e., after HDL elaboration but before synthesizing to FPGA resources) or in ‘post-synthesis’ mode (i.e., after FPGA synthesis where the netlist uses FPGA resources). This tutorial will describe how you can a GUI schematic of your design for both the ‘pre-synthesis’ mode and the ‘post-synthesis’ mode using the Vivado synthesis tool with the design from Lab 2.

For both modes, begin by running Vivado in GUI mode:

% vivado &

The Vivado initial console window will open as shown below:

The bottom of this window is the “TCL Console” where you can enter TCL commands as you did in an earlier tutorial.

Pre-Synthesis Schematic

Begin by executing the initial read_verilog command to perform HDL analysis.

read_verilog -sv

Executing this command will create new window panes in the Vivado tool Next, run the synth_design command to perform RTL elaboration (but not full synthesis) on the design.

synth_design -top binary_adder -rtl -rtl_skip_mlo -part xc7a35tcpg236-1 -verbose

This will perform RTL elaboration and display the structural connectivity of the design in the “Schematic” window as shown below.

It is often more convenient to create a ‘.tcl’ script that runs all of these commands at once in batch mode. You can create a .tcl file with the two commands above and run the following command to generate the schematic:

vivado -source synth_schematic.tcl -log synth_schematic.log -nojournal -notrace

Post-Synthesis Schematic

To generate a schematic of the post-synthesis design, first synthesize the design as described in the command-line synthesis tutorial. You should have a ‘.dcp’ file after successfully completing this step. Run Vivado in GUI mode as described above.

In the Vivado tcl console, execute the following command:

open_checkpoint binary_adder_synth.dcp

This will bring up a window with the device ‘Design’ and several panes that contain information about your design. The window should look something like:

The ‘Device’ window on the right provides an overview of the FPGA resources that the design will be mapped to. In the top-left is the ‘Netlist’ window that summarizes the details of the design (internal nets and cells). The bottom left window provides a summary of the netlist.

To open the post-synthesis schematic, do the following:

  • Select the ‘Binary Adder’ in the ‘Netlist’ Pane.
  • Right Click and select “Schematic”