Instructions for Completing ECEN 320 Laboratory Assignments

The lab associated with ECEN 320 is an essential component of learning for this course. You will learn to practice the concepts of digital system design taught in the class by implementing these concepts on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) using the Basys3 board. It is essential that you carefully read through these laboratory instructions in order to understand how to successfully complete a lab assignment.

ECEN 320 Laboratory Instructions

Each lab assignment has a corresponding web page that contains the instructions for completing the lab. These laboratory web pages are written to help you learn specific skills and apply material you learn in the classroom. Each lab web page is organized with the following sections:

  • Learning Objectives: a brief summary of the main points at the beginning of each lab.
  • Preliminary: prerequisite material or work that should to be completed before you start working on your lab.
  • Exercises: a number of steps to be completed in order to pass off the lab assignment. These exercises build upon each other and should be completed in the order in which they are presented. Most exercises will have questions or design/simulation tasks that are required for the lab report.
  • Pass Off: describes the completed materials you need to finalize the lab. More details on the pass off are described in the Pass Off section of this document.

The lab descriptions on the web contain a variety of resources and tutorials to help you complete the lab exercises. There is a dedicated page for all the tutorials in ECEN 320. A link to the tutorials page is also included in the sidebar to the left. Many of the labs discuss topics that are taught in the textbook. References to these sections will be presented within the lab writeup.

Each laboratory assignment is split into two parts: the Lap Report and the Pass Off. The laboratory grade will be split between these two parts as follows: 40% for the Lab Report and 60% for the lab Passoff. There is a corresponding exam/assignment in learning suite for each of these parts. The requirements of each of these components are described below.

Lab Report

Each laboratory assignment involves completing a laboratory “report”. The lab report is completed online as a Learning Suite exam. This learning suite exam includes a number of questions including short answer, multiple-choice, true-false, and open answers. Most of the questions in the lab report will be graded automatically by learning suite. You are allowed to ‘retake’ the exam as many times as you like before the lab report due date.

As you complete the exercises of each lab you will be asked to answer a number of questions to test your understanding of the concepts needed to complete the lab.
These questions are to help test your understanding and should be completed before proceeding further in the lab. Students who skip over the questions and proceed directly to the lab exercises will not be prepared to complete the exercise. If you do not know how to answer a question, consult with another student, a teaching assistant, or the instructor. It will be very difficult to complete the lab exercises properly without having a good understanding of the answers to the questions in the lab.

All questions that need to be answered in the laboratory report (Learning Suite Exam) are included in the laboratory write-up web page as questions colored red. The red text in your laboratory page is a reminder that you are supposed to answer a corresponding question in Learning Suite. You are encouraged to complete these questions while reading the laboratory and in the order in which they are presented. You may want to record your answers to these questions in a text file or other document and then transfer your answers all at once, so you don’t have to keep Learning Suite open while you complete the lab.

We are constantly trying to improve the laboratory experience and will ask questions at the end of the report that we can use as feedback to improve the lab for the next time the course is taught. You will be asked the following two questions at the end of each lab report (any answer to these questions will receive full credit):

  1. How much time did you spend completing this lab? This question is important for us to gauge the difficulty of the lab and identify when lab assignments are taking too long. Please track the account of the time you spend in the lab in order to accurately report this. Report your result in number of hours (with fractional hours if necessary). This question is required, and any numerical value is accepted as full credit.
  2. Please provide any suggestions for improving this lab in the future. This gives you an opportunity to provide feedback for improving future labs. Student feedback is essential for helping us to improve the labs. An answer to this question is optional.

Lab Report Due Dates

The laboratory report for students in both sections is due at midnight (11:59pm) on Saturday during the week the laboratory is introduced. For example, the first lab for Winter 2025 is on Monday, January 13th and its associated laboratory report is due on Saturday, January 18th at midnight. This due date is the same for all students no matter what section you are enrolled in.

If you are running behind on the lab you are encouraged to submit as much of the report as you can on time to get as much partial credit as you can before the laboratory due date. Students that do not submit a laboratory report by the posted due date will receive a zero for the laboratory report portion of the lab. There are no late submissions or makeups for laboratory reports.

Note: Due to university holidays, Martin Luther King day and President’s Day, each section will miss one regularly scheduled lab lecture. Section 1 will miss the instruction for a laboratory scheduled to start on Monday, January 20th due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Section 2 will miss the instruction for a laboratory scheduled to start on Tuesday, February 18th due to the President’s day holiday (Tuesday, February 18th is a Monday instruction day). You will be responsible for making up the lab lecture on your own time.

Pass Off

The second part of each laboratory assignment is the “pass off”. The pass off portion of the lab will make up 60% of your laboratory grade. In this part of the lab, you will be submitting a number of files that you created for your laboratory assignment for grading by the TA. You may be asked to include text files, SystemVerilog files, Tcl simulation files, assembly language code files, and even digital photographs of your working FPGA circuits. As you complete the exercises in the lab, you will be notified when a particular file needs to be included in your pass off submission. This notification will be highlighted as green text.

All files must be submitted through GitHub in your classroom repository. There will be a dedicated section in the laboratory instructions titled “Pass Off” that will describe exactly what files are needed for your pass off submission. Instructions for setting up your repository and submitting laboratory files is described in other tutorials.

A python script will be provided to you that you can run to make sure your laboratory assignment is submitted properly and passes all the relevant tests. You are strongly encouraged to run this script to find any problems with your laboratory submission. After you have submitted your files to your GitHub repository, the TAs will download your repository and grade your files based on the published requirements of the lab. You will lose a significant number of points on your submission if your submission is missing files, is not properly tagged, or fails the pass off test.

Pass Off Due Dates

Like the laboratory write-up, the laboratory passoff files will be due at midnight on Saturday during the week the laboratory is introduced. Unlike the laboratory report, the laboratory pass off files may be submitted late after the due date. Late laboratory pass off assignments will be accepted up to two weeks after the due date. Laboratory pass offs that are submitted after two weeks past the due date will receive a zero grade. Laboratory pass off assignments submitted after the due date will be treated as follows:

  • Subject to a 30% late penalty (i.e., may receive up to 70% of the pass off credit for submitted files),
  • may not be graded until after the semester is over, and
  • may not receive TA feedback.