Managing Hierarchy in Vivado

  • Discuss the concept of hieararchy. You manage hierarchy directly in your design files (instancing modules)
  • When you add files to Vivado using the “add file” command (link to tutorial), the Vivado design suite will analyze the design and try to recognize the hierarchy.
  • If you correctly implemented hierarchy in your design files, you will see this hierarchy in the design file browser window (give a screen shot of this).
  • If you incorrectly implemented hierachy in your design files, you won’t see hierarchy in your design file browser window. (give a screen shot). Instead, you will see a missing file and a second file (referring to the screen shot).
  • Discuss the things that cause the hierarchy to be incorrect:
    • There is a mismatch between the module you are instancing in your top-level Verilog and the actual module you are trying to instance: difference between name of module, different name of port, different size of ports.
    • How to cause the design to reanaluyze? (update_command? save file command?)
  • How to change “top-level” (for synthesis, simulation, etc.)