Instructions for Completing Lab Assignments

Table of Contents

Lab Content

All lab descriptions contain resources to help you complete the lab exercises including instructional videos, links to external web pages, SystemVerilog files, and code examples.

The lab exercises will frequently ask you to answer questions or complete simple problems. These questions are to help test your understanding and should be completed before proceeding farther in the lab. Students who skip over the questions and proceed directly to the lab exercises will not be prepared to complete the exercise. If you do not know how to answer a question, consult with a teaching assistant, other students, or the instructor. It will be very difficult to complete the lab exercises properly without having a good understanding of the answers to the questions in the lab. These tasks are always colored red and you will answer these questions in your lab notebook and on Learning Suite.

Many labs also contain tutorials. These are intended to teach needed concepts so that the lab itself can focus on putting them into practice. It is very important that you read or watch the tutorials (sometimes more than once) when they are presented. To see a list of all the tutorials, go here. A link to the tutorials page is also included in the sidebar to the left.